Bungmati and Khokana village is located on the South of patan and takes approximately 30-45 minutes of travelling time and the driivng distance is 10 km from Kathmandu valley. About 5000 people live in Bungmati and 3000 inhabitants in Khokana. Most of the people are Newars. From Khokana, Bungmati is 15 minutes walk. In these villages on can see typical Newari houses. Also these villages are Refugee for chilly and mustard oil. The best time to visit Bungmati and Khokana is in October and November because at that time the whole village looks colorful. They hand red chilly garland from the top floor to the ground floor in the whole village. Most of the farmers in these villages are either involved in spinning or oil pressing business. The mustard oil of Khokana is still popular in Kathmandu valley.Bungmati is the birthplace of the deity Machhindranath, who stays there for six months of the year and he spends rest of the time in Patan. The procedure of moving him back and forth is one the major annual festivals in the valley.